[Bioperl-l] OntologyTermI
Ewan Birney
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 09:01:52 +0100 (BST)
On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Lincoln Stein wrote:
> I believe that the idea of the term should be separated from the idea of a
> graph of terms. I think also that the idea of an association between a term
> and a set of biological objects should also be separate.
> I'd propose something like this:
> Bio::Ontology::TermI; # why repeat the word Ontology?
> Encapsulates the term ID, the term name, the term definition, the term
> aliases,and possibly the "obsolete" tag.
> Bio::Ontology::Graph::NodeI;
> A node in a graph.
> Bio::::Ontology::Graph::DAGI;
> Encapsulates the graph traversal methods.
> Bio::Ontology::Term::AssociationI;
> Maps a term to a set of biological objects.
> The nice thing about separating the Term from the DAG is that you can then
> reuse the same term in different types of graphs, or chuck the graph entirely
> without scrambling the meaning of the term.
I am with Lincoln here. This would be the set up I would use as well.