[Bioperl-l] OntologyTermI
Kris Boulez
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 09:21:18 +0200
Quoting Lincoln Stein (lstein@cshl.org):
> In a classic "have your cake and eat it too" compromise, we could have a NodeI
> interface that Bio::Ontology::Term can choose to implement. Methods are:
> children() # return NodeI children
> parents() # return NodeI parents
> all_children() # return all NodeI children
> all_parents() # return all NodeI parents
I would be very much intrested in such methods. Bio::Structure now
has a set of self-grown methods like these.
Some time ago Jason mentioned to me Tree-DAG_Node. That version (1.04)
seemed to do most of what is needed, but it wasn't -w clean.