[Bioperl-l] Undefined subroutine &Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::uncompress called

Dan Bolser dan.bolser at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 16:57:04 UTC 2011


I just updated BioPerl from git / GBrowse from svn (to check if a
particular bug was fixed), and I'm seeing the following message in
large friendly red letters across the top of my GBrowse instance:

Undefined subroutine &Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::uncompress called.

Unfortunately, none of the usual sequence features are displayed (no
overview or details panels).

Here is a snippet of the Apache error log:

[Wed Jan 26 16:55:15 2011] [error] [client x.x.x.x] Math::BigInt:
couldn't load specified math lib(s), fallback to Math::BigInt::Calc at
/homes/www-potato/perl5/lib/perl5/Crypt/DH.pm line 6, referer:
[Wed Jan 26 16:55:15 2011] [error] [client x.x.x.x] Math::BigInt:
couldn't load specified math lib(s), fallback to Math::BigInt::Calc at
/homes/www-potato/perl5/lib/perl5/Crypt/DH.pm line 6, referer:
[Wed Jan 26 16:55:15 2011] [error] [client x.x.x.x] Undefined
subroutine &Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::uncompress called at
/homes/www-potato/perl5/lib/perl5/Bio/DB/SeqFeature/Store.pm line
2531., referer:

Thanks for guidance,

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