[Bioperl-l] EXCEPTION: Bio::Root::Exception [From: Silav Bremos]

Tao Zhu tzhu at mail.bnu.edu.cn
Fri Jan 14 01:53:26 UTC 2011

Hello! In fact the script doesn't work on my computer either. Probably
it has some problems with the swissprot database. You could try to run
this script as follows:


use Bio::Perl; 
# this script will only work if you have an internet connection on the
# computer you're using, the databases you can get sequences from 
# are 'swiss', 'genbank', 'genpept', 'embl', and 'refseq'
$seq_object = get_sequence('genbank',"ECORHO"); 


It should work if you've installed BioPerl correctly.

By the way, if you just want to check whether you've installed BioPerl
correctly, you could type such command like

perldoc Bio::Seq

Good luck!

Tao Zhu, College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing
100875, China
Email: tzhu at mail.bnu.edu.cn
Website: http://bnuzt.org (mainly written in Chinese)

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