[Bioperl-l] Score computation in psl.pm

Wes Barris wes.barris at csiro.au
Sun Nov 9 19:03:31 EST 2003


I found this line in psl.pm:

my $score   = sprintf "%.2f", ( 100 * ( $matches + $mismatches + $rep_matches ) / $q_length );

However, from the BLAT program documentation:

-minScore=N sets minimum score.  This is twice the matches minus the mismatches minus some 
sort of gap penalty.  Default is 30

It seems to me that the score computed in psl.pm should be based on something more like

100 * (2* $matches - $mismatches + $rep_matches) / $q_length
Wes Barris
E-Mail: Wes.Barris at csiro.au

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