[Bioperl-l] load_gff3 handles ##sequence-region

Allen Day allenday at ucla.edu
Fri Nov 7 20:51:00 EST 2003

>From chado's load_gff3.pl POD:

Also, in order for the load to be successful, the reference sequences (eg,
chromosomes or contigs) must be defined in the GFF file before any
features on them are listed. This can be done either by the
reference-sequence meta data specification, which would be lines that look
like this:

  ##sequence-region chr1 1 246127941  ----except that this isn't supported
  yet--can I get Bio::Tools::GFF to give me this info?

this is now fixed on bioperl-live HEAD Bio::Tools::GFF.  I've added
parsing capability for the ##sequence region header tag, and stubbed out
handling of other header tags from the GFF3 spec such as "##attribute 

segments are created as Bio::LocatableSeq objects and available via


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