[Bioperl-l] hackers guide

Rob Edwards redwards at utmem.edu
Fri Mar 21 00:15:40 EST 2003

Some while ago there was a brief discussion about a hackers guide. I worked 
something up and put it online at 

I tried to give a one line summary of each module. Most of them are similar 
(but I tried not to make them identical) to the synopsis line, and some of 
the modules at the bottom of the page were just pulled out of the synopsis 
line by a script I wrote. Most of these have little to no documentation.

This was a work in progress across several cvs updates, and so some of the 
modules have changed/deprecated/whatever, and I apologize for that.

If your favorite module is not there/not right, let me know and I will ammend 
the list.


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