[Bioperl-l] Reading multiple records with Bio::Tools::BPbl2seq

Jason Stajich jason@cgt.mc.duke.edu
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 14:26:14 -0500 (EST)

How are you able to run bl2seq in batch mode?  Are you just appending to a
single file?

bl2seq is a BAD report format, it doesn't contain a BLAST header so it is
hard to detect the start of a new record.

I tried to write a SearchIO parser for it and it was going to take a bit
of effort so I've pushed that off to post 1.0 as I can't autodetect which
type of blast is used and the affects the building of the HSPs..

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Michael Muratet wrote:

> Greetings
> After reading the documentation and the source, it's still not clear to
> me if BPbl2seq will read multiple records or how to make it do so. (But
> I'm still green...) Can anybody offer a suggestion? Thanks.
> Mike
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Jason Stajich
Duke University