[Bioperl-l] Reading multiple records with Bio::Tools::BPbl2se q

Muratet, Michael MMuratet@resgen.com
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 11:43:54 -0600


> I don't think it will.

I've been working on it for the last hour or two, and I agree. I'll see if I
can't correct that.

> Did you solve the problems with the tempfile being closed? if 
> I remember
> rightly it something about not destroying an object.

No, I didn't. I rewrote my script to manually create and delete file
handles, but it still crashes with the same error at the system() command.
Don't know why this command would consume file resources...

> In general I tend to run blast executables directly in a 
> script only using
> bioperl to do the actual parsing of the blast report, and not 
> using the
> running methods.

That is ultimately what I did. Now I'm in the process of trying to get
BPbl2seq to read multiple records in the output, or I guess I'll write a
mini-parser to present the file one record at a time.

