[Bioperl-l] load_seqdatabase.pl and 'each_Location' method

Dan Swan dswan@bioinformatics.org
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 12:13:12 -0400 (EDT)

Hi bioperlers,

I am trying to use load_seqdatabase.pl to populate a MySQL BioSQL database
with genbank records.

However I'm getting the following error:

[dswan@ashtaroth scripts]$ ./load_seqdatabase.pl dantest2 dan.gb
Reading dan.gb
Can't locate object method "each_Location" via package
"Bio::Location::Simple" at
line 247, <GEN0> line 116.

The line in question is in sub store :

   foreach my $loc ( $location->each_Location ) {

I'm using Bioperl 1.0.2 on perl 5.6.1 and 5.8.0 and getting the same

I notice there's a 'post-capetown' branch of SeqLocationAdaptor.pm
(Revision in which sub store is different, but I don't
have the post-capetown branch of biosql-schema installed (I assume!).

Has anyone else come across this?  I'm a bit stumped at how to proceed.
