[Bioperl-l] SearchIO blast next_result

Staffa.Nick staffa@niehs.nih.gov
Thu, 4 Apr 2002 10:30:03 -0500

Kind Sir:
I have many blast reports to parse and summarize and believe that BioPerl is the
way to go.

I am looking at 

>From examples, I know I can do

$searchio = new Bio::SearchIO ('-format' => 'blast','-file' => $blast_report);
$result = $searchio->next_result;
# Get info about the entire report
$dbname = $result->database_name;
$algorithm_type =$result->algorithm;
#print "$dbname $algorithm_type\n";
# get info about the first hit
$hit = $result->next_hit;
$hit_name = $hit->name ;
print "hitname= $hit_name\n";

But I don't see where it is documented all that I could possibly do with $result
= $searchio->next_result;
Or how to get to it from the page that I cite.

Please help

Nick Staffa
Telephone: 919-316-4569  (NIEHS: 6-4569)
Scientific Computing Support Group
NIEHS Information Technology Support Services Contract
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Debra Parrish, DIR monitor.