[Bioperl-l] 0.9.0
Jason Stajich
Fri, 10 Aug 2001 11:33:33 -0400 (EDT)
I'm going to push 0.9.0 out the door around 2PM EST so if anyone has time
to run X-platform tests today please do.
This will be a developer release so we will only guarantee is that all the
tests should pass and any bugs will be documented in the BUGS file.
I have put the release candidate in
If you see a bug, go ahead and fix on the main-branch as we do not plan to
create branches for the 0.9.x release as they are not maintained releases.
Note: 0.9.x and beyond will require perl 5.005. We would like to require
perl 5.6.0, but not until it becomes the default perl install on most
linux builds.
All tests pass for me on FreeBSD, RH linux, and Sparc Solaris 8.