[Bioperl-l] gui stuff

Jason Stajich jason@chg.mc.duke.edu
Tue, 7 Aug 2001 18:54:50 -0400 (EDT)

I assume that scripts/modules that generate pretty png/jpeg from sequence
data should make their way into the bioperl-gui, but how should this
namespace look?  
Just throwing an idea out there:
Bio::Graphics::GD -> isa Bio::Graphics::GraphicsI
Bio::Graphics::PostScript           "" 

(these would use a GraphicsI object to render)

I also know that any efforts here might duplicate what Lincoln has in
Ace::Graphics and possibly and DAS perl client solutions. I would like to
make it fairly easy and intuitive to interact with a system for generating
graphics wrt to sequence and other data in a "bioperl way".  Does it
make sense to build a framework in bioperl-gui that delegates to
Ace::Graphics and/or whatever else?  This framework would allow us to make
use of Brian Haas's script submission which generates images from HMMer,
blast, motif data using GD.

Anyone interested in helping out on this front if we demonstrate a need?
