[Bioperl-l] Sim4
Hilmar Lapp
Mon, 31 Jul 2000 00:52:54 +0200
Dear all,
the Sim4 parser is functional again, and - hopefully - relatively clean. The
module can now deal with either order of sequences (EST first and genomic
first), and with all sim4 output formats except A=2.
The basic methods for getting the results are
@exons = $sim4_result->parse_next_alignment();
returning an array of Bio::Tools::Sim4::Exon objects, and, more convenient
$exonset = $sim_result->next_exonset();
returning a container as a Bio::SeqFeature::Generic object holding individual
exons as sub seqFeatures. Since the only capabilities of
Bio::Tools::Sim4::ExonSet, as far as I understood the code, were to serve as a
container and to provide an easy interface to getting start and end of the
whole region the exons comprise, and as Bio::SeqFeature::Generic already
provides both, I dismissed the dependency on ExonSet.pm (which may now be
deleted from the repository).
Documentations updated, but still not be perfect.
Hilmar Lapp email: hlapp@gmx.net
NFI Vienna, IFD/Bioinformatics phone: +43 1 86634 631
A-1235 Vienna fax: +43 1 86634 727