[MOBY-l] sample code of Central.call method

Yasumasa Shigemoto yshigemo at genes.nig.ac.jp
Wed Nov 5 04:20:35 UTC 2003

I confirmed to get the WSDL of 'RetrieveGOFromKeywords' using 
And the WSDL is as follows.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<definitions name="MOBY_Central_Generated_WSDL"
  <message name="RetrieveGOFromKeywordsInput">
	  <part name="body" element="xsd1:NOT_YET_DEFINED_INPUTS"/>

  <message name="RetrieveGOFromKeywordsOutput">
	  <part name="body" element="xsd1:NOT_YET_DEFINED_OUTPUTS"/>

Can I invoke RetrieveGOFromKeywords method by Central.call method?
Or are there any way to invoke one?
How do I specify 'xsd1:NOT_YET_DEFINED_INPUTS' including the WSDL?

Yasumasa Shigemoto

Martin Senger wrote:
> > Would you give me a sample program of
> > Central.call(methodName, inputXML) method?
> >
>    The 'call' method is there as a possibility to do things that you
> cannot do otherwise with the Java API. All major features of Biomoby
> registry are reachable using the other method of the API.
>    The good thing about the 'call' method is that you can call whatever
> you wish, the bad thing is that you need to know what 'inputXML' is
> required and you need to provide it in XML (and not just like method
> parameters as with other methods).
>    An example is to call method DUMP (which is not available in the API
> per se):
>    Central.call ("DUMP", null);
> or doing the same from the command-line:
>    ./run-cmdline-client -call DUMP
>    Another example (with argument) is this:
>  Central.call ("retrieveService",
>                "retrieveService><Service authURI=\"www.illuminae.com\""+
>                "serviceName=\"PBI_Cluster_Blast\"/></retrieveService>");
> But you can get the same by calling:
>    Central.getServiceWSDL ("PBI_Cluster_Blast", "www.illuminae.com");
>    Other people were using 'call' method for calling their services (and
> not the Biomoby registry at all) - the XML input depends on the what the
> service expects. Folks, anybody has an example?
>    Regards,
>    Martin
> --
> Martin Senger
> EMBL Outstation - Hinxton                Senger at EBI.ac.uk
> European Bioinformatics Institute        Phone: (+44) 1223 494636
> Wellcome Trust Genome Campus             (Switchboard:     494444)
> Hinxton                                  Fax  : (+44) 1223 494468
> Cambridge CB10 1SD
> United Kingdom                           http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~senger

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