[MOBY-l] Installation docs & issues

Cath Lawrence Cath.Lawrence at anu.edu.au
Thu Apr 10 01:49:47 UTC 2003


I've just signed up and am just trying to install MOBY (all bits) for a 
quick trial. Not yet succeeded but I'm still going. Hints are welcome.

Meanwhile, I've found some bu^H^Hissues with the documentation and 
tests - I'm not sure if I should send these here or to the particular 
authors, but it does say for general remarks email moby-l ... (or if 
not smiling, markw at illuminae, so Hi, Mark.)

So, here goes.

1.  Simple perl install
README in  $CVSROOT/moby-live/Perl suggests a simple install (perl 
Makefile.PL, make, make test, make install.)
This procedure:
i) reports a missing file from the MANIFEST
(Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:
ii) "make test" breaks a lot for me - and it looks as if the tests are 
actually not up to date?
#     Failed test (t/Client-Central.t at line 88)
#          got: 'org.embl.ebi.senger'
#     expected: 'illuminae.com'
#     Failed test (t/Client-Central.t at line 89)
#          got: 'TestingServiceNew'
#     expected: 'Servicetest2'

There were a couple of other issues, too, so I thought "make install" 
might not be a great idea and moved on to the component-by-component as 
also suggested in the document.

2. Component Install
This README file also directs you to specific docs for each component
These seem to refer to an outdated structure
My first stop point is:
in $CVSROOT/moby-live/Perl/docs
INSTALL-Central.txt says at step 4 to
"cp $CVSROOT/moby-live/Perl/Central/MOBY YourWebServerPath"

But this does not exist. There is a

Is that it? Or is it supposed to be the whole 
$CVSROOT/moby-live/Perl/MOBY directory & contents?

Other documents here refer to $CVSROT/moby-live/Perl/Client - likewise 
non-existent in the current CVS structure.

That's it so far. Does anyone have any hints for me? (BTW, I'm more 
familiar with python/postgresql  than perl/mysql. I'm not religious 
about it but it does mean I might miss stuff that seems obvious to 
seasoned perl users.)


Cath dot Lawrence at anu dot edu dot au
Senior Scientific Programmer, Centre for BioInformation Science, 
Australian National University

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