[MOBY-dev] JAX-WS BioMoby API (2nd round).

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Wed Jan 16 16:07:29 UTC 2008

...unless there has been some new changes in XML Schema that I missed!  I  
admit I haven't looked at it since my conversation with a guy from the W3C  
XML Schema working group, who confirmed to me that, in his opinion, it  
couldn't be done... I took that as "the word of God" at the time, but that  
was probably two years ago, maybe longer...


On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:00:31 -0800, Mark Wilkinson <markw at illuminae.com>  

>>> My vision is that all Moby Datatypes must have a schema representation.
>> As far as I can recall, this is not possible
> You are correct, Paul.  It is not possible to define the structure of  
> MOBY Objects in XML schema (for some of the same reasons that it is  
> impossible to define RDF-XML documents in XML Schema)
> There's a belief "out there" that all XML documents can be represented  
> in XML schema, and I've been attacked by audience members during  
> presentations and workshops when I say this isn't true... but it isn't  
> true!!
> The Moby XML is "defined" by the Moby Object ontology, much as RDF-XML  
> can be "defined by" an OWL ontology (please don't attack me for saying  
> it that way - I KNOW that this is backwards from the way OWL and RDF  
> actually work!).  The resulting flexibility in document structure cannot  
> be handled by XML Schema.
> It sucks for us, since we want to use WSDL... but it's a painful reality.
> Mark
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