[MOBY-dev] JAX-WS BioMoby API (2nd round).

José María Fernández González jmfernandez at cnio.es
Wed Jan 16 16:51:40 UTC 2008

Hi everybody,
	although you cannot have an XML schema for MOBY messaging taking into account
the whole ontology (unless you regenerate it each time the ontology is
changed), you can create an XML schema which at least can be used to validate
the fixed part of MOBY messages, using xsd:any in those places where you can
put a MOBY object. Some years ago I wrote such schema, but I never checked
it... Perhaps it can be useful for someone, so I'm including it in this message.

	Best Regards,
		José María

Mark Wilkinson wrote:
> ...unless there has been some new changes in XML Schema that I missed! 
> I admit I haven't looked at it since my conversation with a guy from the
> W3C XML Schema working group, who confirmed to me that, in his opinion,
> it couldn't be done... I took that as "the word of God" at the time, but
> that was probably two years ago, maybe longer...
> Mark
> On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:00:31 -0800, Mark Wilkinson <markw at illuminae.com>
> wrote:
>>>> My vision is that all Moby Datatypes must have a schema representation.
>>> As far as I can recall, this is not possible
>> You are correct, Paul.  It is not possible to define the structure of
>> MOBY Objects in XML schema (for some of the same reasons that it is
>> impossible to define RDF-XML documents in XML Schema)
>> There's a belief "out there" that all XML documents can be represented
>> in XML schema, and I've been attacked by audience members during
>> presentations and workshops when I say this isn't true... but it isn't
>> true!!
>> The Moby XML is "defined" by the Moby Object ontology, much as RDF-XML
>> can be "defined by" an OWL ontology (please don't attack me for saying
>> it that way - I KNOW that this is backwards from the way OWL and RDF
>> actually work!).  The resulting flexibility in document structure
>> cannot be handled by XML Schema.
>> It sucks for us, since we want to use WSDL... but it's a painful reality.
>> Mark
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"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." - Donald Knuth

José María Fernández González
Tlfn: (+34) 91 732 80 00 / 91 224 69 00 (ext 3061)
e-mail: jmfernandez at cnio.es		Fax: (+34) 91 224 69 76
Unidad del Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática
Biología Estructural y Biocomputación	Structural Biology and Biocomputing
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas
C.P.: 28029				Zip Code: 28029
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