[MOBY-dev] Moby in a secure world

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Thu Nov 22 13:43:56 UTC 2007

I think generally we agreed that this could and should be done at the 
HTTP transport level rather than within MOBY itself.  That's one of the 
advantages of having a layered architecture :-)

groscurt at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de wrote:
> Hiho,
> at the EU-Sol meeting in Rome we discussed the usability of Moby for the
> project. One main issue was if it is possible to secure the data send via
> WebServices and to ensure that only specific people are able to use
> specific webservices. This is because the EU-Sol is a closed consortium
> with industry partners and they, but also the "normal" biologists, demand
> to have a solution which guarantees such requirements.
> So what I was wondering if this issue already came up in Moby ? I'm
> currently getting started to understand the current principles of securing
> WebServices, but i was wondering if someone has somehow experiences with
> that ?
> So any comments and hints are welcome :-)
> Best
> andreas
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