[MOBY-dev] service registration situation....

Frank Gibbons francis_gibbons at hms.harvard.edu
Tue Feb 28 17:58:48 UTC 2006


I got caught up in the service clean-up enthusiasm (roll on spring!), 
dereg'd all of my services, then rereg'd some of them. All seemed to go 
smoothly, and I can retrieve service details without difficulty.

But now nothing works. As usual, due to the layering inherent in web 
services (SOAP/HTTP, XML parsing, etc.), I'm having a really hard time 
figuring out *where* the problem lies.

I've tried using scripts/DebugYourService.pl,

>DebugYourService.pl -a llama.med.harvard.edu -n Uetz -i simple.xml

with this input (simple.xml):

>   <Simple>
>     <String namespace='SGD' id='S000004075' />
>   </Simple>

and got this output:

>Using default BioMOBY Central.
>Using service:
>         name: Uetz
>         authority: llama.med.harvard.edu
>         Description: Protein-protein interactions, by Uetz et al
>Service execution failed: 500 Can't connect to :80 (Bad hostname '') at 
>MOBY/Client/Service.pm line 289

The last line is totally weird! The test suite runs without errors, and I'm 
using the latest moby-live/Perl code under Perl 5.8.6, with SOAP::Lite v0.60.

Anybody have any ideas where I should look?


PhD, Computational Biologist,
Harvard Medical School BCMP/SGM-322, 250 Longwood Ave, Boston MA 02115, USA.
Tel: 617-432-3555       Fax: 
617-432-3557       http://llama.med.harvard.edu/~fgibbons 

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