[MOBY-dev] [moby] Suggestion for new tag in Parameter (Secondary Input specification)
Pieter Neerincx
Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Fri Feb 24 14:21:18 UTC 2006
Hi Johan et al.,
On 24-Feb-2006, at 12:44 PM, Johan Karlsson wrote:
> Hi!
> As Mark says, description of secondaries is something the INB have
> been
> requesting for a while now.
> Actually, we are already capturing this information together with some
> additional information during service registration. We store this
> information in a separate database, apart from the Moby Central
> database.
> We have recently started a new registration procedure at the INB where
> (as part of the procedure) service providers can add the following
> additional information about their services:
> · Name of the author.
> · For each input and output (primary/collection parameters), a
> description of the parameter, and a data type example.
> · For each secondary parameter, a description of the parameter
> and an
> example value.
> · Help file for the service (in XML format)
> · Keywords describing the service (we are working on "semantic"
> searches)
> Maybe some of this information can be useful to the BioMoby community?
I read the INB paper "Intelligent client for integrating
bioinformatics services" published in Bioinformatics. The things
mentioned above were described there and it made me wonder... For
asynchronous service calls the INB leads an initiative to extend the
BioMOBY standard, which is great! This may take a bit longer to get
accepted and implemented as compared to hacking together some custom
extension, but it makes sure that your BioMOBY services are
compatible with the rest of the BioMOBY world. The INB did the same
for error handling. But for the things mentioned above the INB people
chose to go their own way. The "extended service registration"
procedure is INB specific and the additional (help) info is available
form a "fourth party" server (not the BioMOBY client, nor the service
provider, nor the INB BioMOBY Central). I think this is bad. The INB
BioMOBY Central is out of sync with the official BioMOBY Central and
no longer compatible, because of the modified registration procedure :
(. Personally I think this is even worse...
Anyway the things mentioned above would definitely be useful! The
secondary parameter description was just added to the service
registration call. So that's solved. When I retrieve a service I get
the BioMOBY WSDL that contains amongst others all the description
fields. If I have a typical BLAST service that supports all 40+
parameters it also means that this WSDL will hold the description for
40+ params. It's getting big...:). So adding additional help in XML
format and example input and output there (during registration) would
make the WSDL we send around even longer. Not my favourite solution.
I would rather like to see a solution where this additional
information is provided by the service (provider) and only when the
client requests it explicitly. This way it doesn't need to be stored
in a BioMOBY Central. This could be done for example using an
additional method [ServiceName]_help. If this would be standardised
the new RDF agent, might be extended and use this method to get the
example input, excute the service with this example input and
validate the results. It can than check:
* whether the service works
* if the input and output are valid as compared to how the service
was registered.
If these checks fail it might send an automated e-mail to the
maintainer of that service and eventually if the issues are not
resolved remove the service from BioMOBY Central. In the "cleaning
out the registry" thread Mark mentioned that he would contact service
providers whose services work perfectly well, but were registered
incorrectly. No matter how efficient Mark might work, sooner or later
BioMOBY will be so popular and BioMOBY Central so big, that doing
this manually won't be feasible anymore. So this needs to be
automated sooner or later anyway. Having example input and output
might be used for that. So what do the others think...
Just my 2c,
> Kind regards,
> Johan Karlsson
> Mark Wilkinson wrote:
>> Absolutely - I believe the INB had also requested this a while
>> ago, too.
>> Do we need to go through an RFC for this? I hope not...
>> If nobody objects, I'll add it to the API right away. It should only
>> take a couple of minutes to code.
>> M
>> On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 10:56 -0700, Paul Gordon wrote:
>>> Can we add an optional description field to the secondary article
>>> tag?
>>> It might help people fill it out if they have a hint *what* they're
>>> filling out besides the articleName. i.e.:
>>> <Parameter articleName="NameOfArticle">
>>> <desc>This field sets the frameshift penalty in the alignment.
>>> The higher it is set, the less likely frameshifts will be
>>> detected and corrected.</desc>
>>> <datatype>Integer|Float|String|DateTime</datatype>
>>> <default>...</default> <!-- any/all of these -->
>>> <max>...</max> <!-- ... -->
>>> <min>...</min> <!-- ... -->
>>> <enum>...</enum> <!-- ... -->
>>> <enum>...</enum> <!-- ... -->
>>> </Parameter>
>>> Sound reasonable? Does this require a RFC?
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