[MOBY-dev] [moby] moby service templates

Martin Senger martin.senger at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 12:11:03 UTC 2006


Keep an eye on what Martin and Eddie are doing with MoSeS - quite a bit
> of the service architecture is now auto-generated by their code, so it
> really just comes down to the service provider writing the business
> logic.  I suppose if the business logic can, in your case, be even
> further templated then the bar for service provision gets even lower!

I fully agree with Mark. Here are perhaps more details about what I did with
BioCASE (I guess for Tapir it will be similar, even perhaps the same) :

You already know the source - but perhaps for the other:

The MoSeS can generate an implementtaion class for a service - such class is
the same for all services (except the service name). Everything that varies
is in the "properties". So the "properties" are similar to the Javier's

With Milko (IPGRI), last year, we tried to find a way to define templates -
but then we gave it up because of the possible complexity of mapping (just
see into an example Javier gave us and you will see a huge number of places
to be changed for any new template, for any new BioMoby data type). That's
why we decided to go the "properties" way - where we defined a java
beanshell script to convert things between biocase and biomoby.

It would be nice to find a common way how to make this B(iomoby)B(iocase)


Martin Senger
   email: martin.senger at gmail.com
   skype: martinsenger

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