[MOBY-dev] [moby] moby service templates

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Sun Aug 20 15:24:55 UTC 2006

Hello Javier,

You may alternatively want to take a quick look at MobyServlet 

You could subclass the MobyServlet with your schema mapping functions, 
and all the user would need to do is modify the web.xml file.  The 
web.xml file for MobyServlet already contains the "template" that you 
are looking for...



> Right right,
> I am basing much of my work on Martin previous work.
> But what I am doing is adapting a wrapper software (PyWrapper) that is
> used to connect database to GBIF (do you remember?). The users of this
> software map their database to a common ontology and then the wrapper
> can generate "community/standard" XML schemas. The user maps his
> database visually (through a config tool) and then the work is done.
> The idea is to provide BioMOBY support there, so automatically when
> the user maps his database to this common ontology he will become a
> BioMOBY provider for a certain services. This mapping file is what
> indicates what "concepts" in out ontology are needed to generate a
> certain BioMOBY service (defined in the template).
> So, no programming at all, the database owner maps his database to the
> ontology and the software takes care of, by looking at the mapping
> file (curated by a MOBY expert), register and become available as a
> MOBY service.
> I think it should work (apart of the multiple invocation who is giving
> me some headache).
> The only issue I have is in finding good examples of where is this
> useful at all (but I suppose this is not my bussiness :D)
> Javier.
> On 8/18/06, Mark Wilkinson <markw at illuminae.com> wrote:
>> Keep an eye on what Martin and Eddie are doing with MoSeS - quite a bit
>> of the service architecture is now auto-generated by their code, so it
>> really just comes down to the service provider writing the business
>> logic.  I suppose if the business logic can, in your case, be even
>> further templated then the bar for service provision gets even lower!
>> Must run!
>> M
>> On Fri, 2006-08-18 at 12:04 +0200, Javier de la Torre wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am working on something like a MobyServiceTemplate. The idea is to
>>> store there templates for other programs to use them to deploy real
>>> biomoby services.
>>> In my case most of the services I will create are exactly the same,
>>> lot of differet databases with the same kind of data, but different
>>> data. Therefore their services look the same except that they have
>>> different data behind.
>>> While creating this serviceTemplates definition I have identified that
>>> this are the fields that will NOT be common:
>>> -service namespace (one would be "MNCNdatabase" and other could be
>>> "IPGRIdatabase")
>>> -authURI
>>> -contactEmail
>>> -description: it will be almost the same but just with some little differences.
>>> Apart of this, all the rest can be common: service name, category,
>>> type, input/output/secondary objects.
>>> Am I missing something?
>>> Is there anybody who has something similar? My templates definition
>>> file (with one service example and with some things that only apply to
>>> my project) can be found at:
>>> http://synthesys.csic.es/biomoby/MappingTapirConcept_BioMOBYServices.xml
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Javier.
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>> --
>> Mark Wilkinson
>> Asst. Professor, Dept. of Medical Genetics
>> University of British Columbia
>> PI in Bioinformatics, iCAPTURE Centre
>> St. Paul's Hospital, Rm. 166, 1081 Burrard St.
>> Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6
>> tel: 604 682 2344 x62129
>> fax: 604 806 9274
>> "Since the point of a definition is to explain the meaning of a term to
>>    someone who is unfamiliar with its proper application, the use of
>> language that doesn't help such a person learn how to apply the term is
>>  pointless. Thus, "happiness is a warm puppy" may be a lovely thought,
>>                      but it is a lousy definition."
>>                                                                 Köhler et al, 2006
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