[moby] [MOBY-dev] About serviceNotes block

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson at mrl.ubc.ca
Mon Mar 14 18:55:30 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 07:54, José María Fernández González wrote:
> 	Also, I think I have found a possible bug in the current implementation 
> of MOBY::CommonSubs::getServiceNotes, like the previous one I told in 
> getNodeContentWithArticle.

fixed.  Let me know if it is still a problem.

> Would it be a BioMOBY protocol violation if 
> I use it to send some XML content? I want to use it to communicate some 
> warnings related to services which answer a collection, and I want to 
> separate warnings from different answers (I don't want to go back to 
> flat file world!).

to be honest, we haven't thought much about what should/not go into that
block.  It was intentionally left ambiguous so that we could discuss it
at some point in the future.  It appears that the point has now come!

My gut is that we should not just stick raw XML in there, since that
isn't very MOBYesque... the MOBYesque way would be to make another
ontology :-)  A "commentary ontology" or something like that - then wrap
your XML according to its type.

what kinds of information do you have in your XML?  

Damian/Gary - does S-MOBY have a place in the canonical RDF to stick
provision information data?  Do you have a defined set of predicates for


Mark Wilkinson
Assistant Professor (Bioinformatics)
Dept. Medical Genetics, UBC, Canada

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