[MOBY-dev] FW: theseu - upload the first beta and unstable version

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 15:08:09 UTC 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Roman Roset [mailto:roset at ac.upc.edu] 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 9:02 AM
To: inb-tecnico at everest.cnb.uam.es; Eddie Kawas; Martin
Subject: theseu - upload the first beta and unstable version

Hi all,

   The INB Theseu project is a framework for biomoby
developers.  The 
requirements of Theseu project are driven to develop BioMoby
and to administrate BioMoby Repositories (locally or
remotally).  Future 
extensions of this project could include features such as
RSS systems to 
  get the biomoby news, local agents to perform some tasks
directly with 
the RDF,etc... in short, the needs of biomoby and INB
developers comunity.


0. Documentation

   At the moment there is no user documentation. Sorry. Any
to help me writing the online documentation :) ?

1. Requirements

   These are the prerequisites to install the Theseu
Project. They must 
be downloaded (EMF via eclipse site or manually) and
installed before 

Eclipse build eclipse-SDK-3.0.2:

EMF runtime 2.0.2 (emf-sdo-runtime-2.0.2):

2. Theseu Project Runtime

   I have uploaded the first beta and unstable version of
theseu at this 

Remote Site name: Theseu Project
URL: http://inb.lsi.upc.edu/theseu/updates

You can download easily via help -> software updates
-> find & install -> "search for new features..." --> "new
remote site".

This beta distribution has 3 features grouped in two
diferents topics:
	* Theseu Project
		|-> Theseu Project plugins
		|-> other  (this is jmoby and others)

Select all that you can checked :) and follow the afirmative

3. Mini example to start playing

   Once Theseu is installed, follow this steps:
	1. click the Navigator window and press ctrl+N to
open a new
project wizard.
		1.a. Select BioMoby Services Wizard --> new
Moby Project

	2. click on the label of the new project into de
window and press ctrl+N again to create a new repository:
		2.a Select BioMoby Services Wizard --> new
Moby Repository:
		2.b. Select the server or push the
preferences button to
add new biomoby services.
		2.c Select the authority or push the
preferences button
to add new authors.
		3.d push finish button.

	3. Now you can view in the editor window your empty
local repository. 
The next step is to populate the ouline view with the
element of the 
repository. So, click the label of a moby element into the
(for instance "services") and click via the GeneralEditor
menu or a
popup menu (clicking over the "services" with the mouse
right button) 
the "load..." option.

		3.1 wait and don't despair... this is only
	the first time.

	4. Now you could open some views before to start
with the edition:
		4.1 Window --> show view --> Problems
		4.2 Window --> show view --> Properties

	Remember that when you validate an element, the
information to
navigate through the messages is saved into the Problems

	5. Register elements: it's only possible in this
"demo" to register 


    I have uploaded this version with the aim of show the
actual state
of this project.  I repeat that is only a demo version and
it's very
unstable, however you can have an idea of what Theseu can do
and what 
will be able to do.

   Please send me your opinions about this. All your help is



Roman Roset Mayals
Technical Coordinator
   Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (www.inab.org)
Barcelona Supercomputing Center Node (www.bsc.org.es)
c/. Jordi Girona 1-3
Modul C6-E201                     Tel.  : 934 011 650
E-08034 Barcelona                 Fax   : 934 017 014
Catalunya (Spain)                 e-mail: rroset at lsi.upc.edu

Note: I'm on vacation until August 21th

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