[moby] [MOBY-dev] Re: Problems with Biomoby servicesin Taverna 1.2

Rebecca Ernst rebecca.ernst at gsf.de
Wed Jul 20 07:24:38 UTC 2005

Hi Martin!

this vision has not been changed yet, mainly because noone seems to 
understand Heikos, Dirks and my problems with the existing solution.
If you re-read the mails you can try to understand if you get the point 
I can't make myself any clearer than that.
Basically I think it doesn't make sense to register an output as being a 
collection if the results don't form an entity!
In our case e.g. the service 'getAGILocusCodes'. You give it a keyword 
and it returns all AGI Codes somehow related to this keyword. These AGI 
codes don't form an entity! Just because the keyword appears in their 
annotation they are given back - but with no relation to each other.
For us it would be only logical if we would give many simple responses. 
This is not possible as currently if the number of results is not known 
we have to give back a collection.


Martin Senger wrote:

>Hi all,
>   Catching up my email piles I wonder if someone can summarize if the
>discussion about collections in this thread brought any (planned) changes
>in the API (I am not talking now about how it is, or should be,
>implemented in Taverna, that's, imho, an another story).
>   My understanding is that (talking about one mobyData object):
>   a) Any Moby service can have more outputs. If so, all of them must be 
>registered. The number of such outputs must be fixed.
>   b) Any of these outputs can be of type either Simple or Collection.
>   c) If it is a Collection, this output can have one or more Simples in
>that Collection. Such Simples (and their number) are not individually
>   Has this vision been changed?
>   Thanks,
>   Martin

Rebecca Ernst
MIPS, Inst. for Bioinformatics
GSF Research Center for Environment and Health
Ingolstaedter Landstr. 1
85764 Neuherberg
fon: +49 89 3187 3583
email: Rebecca.Ernst at gsf.de

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