[MOBY-dev] Java tools and BioMOBY over HTTPS?
Pieter Neerincx
Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Thu Jul 14 14:02:34 UTC 2005
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the reply. No I at least knew it should be possible :).
After googeling for days I finally got it to work. Maybe you can add
a small addition for HTTPS to the configuration part of the Taverna
manual. If anyone else ever runs into the same problem here is how I
got it to work:
I did find a lot of posts mentioning compatibility problems when
importing openssl generated certificates in a java keystore with
keytool. So I was converting my certificates in probably every
certificate format known to man, but that was not the solution. In
order to make the Java client accept a self-signed certificate from
you webserver this is what needs to be done.
Generate a self-signed certificate. If you use openssl this step is
pretty well documented. The default output will be a certificate in
pem format. The default extension for such a certificate is *.crt.
This file can contain both a human readable form of the certificate
and an encoded one. So it might look something like this:
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=NL, ST=Gelderland, L=Wageningen, O=WUR,
OU=Bioinformatics, CN=dev.bioinformatics.nl/
emailAddress=jack.leunissen at wur.nl
Not Before: Jul 8 16:27:14 2005 GMT
Not After : Aug 7 16:27:14 2005 GMT
Subject: C=NL, ST=Gelderland, L=Wageningen, O=WUR,
OU=Bioinformatics, CN=dev.bioinformatics.nl/
emailAddress=jack.leunissen at wur.nl
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
Modulus (1024 bit):
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
emailAddress=jack.leunissen at wur.nl
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
The human readable part is a problem for keytool which you use to
import the certificate in your Java keystore. You can convert the
certificate in another format that is keytool compatible, but the
easiest solution is to strip the human readable part from the
certificate. Hence, simply copy -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----[encoded
certificate]-----END CERTIFICATE----- to a new file. Make sure there
are no blank lines left before -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- or after
Now import the certificate in your keystore:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -v -alias [some name for your
cert.] -file [the cert. without the human readable part]
I figured that since the certificate is self-signed, I wouldn't need
another certificate authority to make java apps to validate the
certificate, but that
was wrong. You need to import the same self-signed certificate into
your cacerts keystore as well:
as root: keytool -import -v -storetype jks -keystore $JAVA_HOME/
lib/security/cacerts -file [the cert. without the human readable part]
Now it should work.
On 13-Jul-2005, at 6:05 PM, Tom Oinn wrote:
> Hi all,
> We've had Taverna working for HTTPS web services so it should be
> fine for the MOBY operations. You need to check that the
> certificate has a valid signature chain and that the name of the
> entity in the certificate matches the hostname - we had issues with
> a certificate from a server in china that the java security
> framework rejected because the (I think) CN part of the DN in the
> cert wasn't the same as the hostname of the endpoint.
> Tom
> Pieter Neerincx wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there anyone out there that was able to make BioMOBY
>> (realated) Java tools like Yan's Moby Object Browser or Taverna
>> work with MOBY Centrals and/or services over HTTPS? I'm having
>> trouble with the server's certificate. I used keytool to import
>> the server's certificate client-side, but the Java tools keep on
>> complaining: "unknown certificate"...
>> Cheers,
>> Pieter _______________________________________________
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Wageningen University and Research centre (WUR)
Laboratory of Bioinformatics
Transitorium (building 312) room 1038
Dreijenlaan 3
6703 HA Wageningen
phone: 0317-484 706
fax: 0317-483 584
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pieter.neerincx at wur.nl
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