[EMBOSS] Sixpack/transeq frame translation

Derek Gatherer d.gatherer at vir.gla.ac.uk
Wed Jun 20 14:18:37 UTC 2007

At 14:20 20/06/2007, Peter Rice wrote:
>Would a -alternative option be useful in sixpack?

Hi Peter

Sixpack could do with a real sorting out, as could a few of the other 
translation programs, as I have mentioned before:


I'd be happy to produce a detailed spec. of what 
sixpack/showseq/transeq does and doesn't do (as opposed to what the 
documentation claims they do), if this would help.  I've been trying 
to write a wrapper script that handles GenBank files and uses EMBOSS 
translation programs as the core of its API, but have been 
consistently frustrated by the bugs in them.

Best wishes

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