[EMBOSS] EMBOSS running on server (problems)

Adnan Shahzad imadnansyed at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 13 05:59:35 UTC 2006

Hello Guy Bottu,
  i have cheacked and corrected and now i am getting this error when i run the Wemboss that is 
  " Sorry the owner of the this process is not allowed to run the catch program ask wemboss manager"
  i am login and using as admin.
  Kindly need your wise thoughts on it.

Guy Bottu <gbottu at ben.vub.ac.be> wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 02:02:49AM -0700, Adnan Shahzad wrote:
> My problem is that , 
> the location of /cgi_bin/ in the file system. I have added the appropriate entry in httpd.conf file as said in README file.
> But the server still responds a file not found ERROR.
> What should be the location of /wEMBOSS_cgi/ in the hierarchy of the server?

Your file httpd.conf should contain something as :

ScriptAlias /wEMBOSS_cgi/ /XXX/wEMBOSS/cgi-bin/

AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -Includes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AuthType basic
AuthUserFile "/etc/shadow"
Authname 'YYY'
require valid-user

where /XXX/wEMBOSS/cgi-bin is a directory containing catch and emboss.pl.
Note that catch must be setuid :
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 12941 2006-09-02 10:47 catch

Instead of /etc/shadow you can have /etc/passwd or whatever file contains 
the user passwords

YYY is a name of a categrory of users (e.g. EMBOSS user) ; it ca, be 
shared with other applications protected by password.

Does that correspond to what you have ?


  Adnan Shahzad Research Officer Department of Bioinformatics National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology Lahore, Pakistan.
  web: www.cemb.edu.pk Off:- 042-5423952 Ext. 303 Cell:- 0300-5337765

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