[EMBOSS] EMBOSS-3.0.0: changes in local acd-file are not realized

Peter Rice pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Sep 13 07:14:01 UTC 2005

Ulrike Kaule wrote:
> I changed acd-file in 
> directory /usr/local/EMBOSS-3.0.0/emboss/acd. It looks now like
> ...
> report: outfile  [
>     parameter: "Y"
>     rformat: "gff"
>     multiple: "Y"
>     taglist: "float:molwt=Mol_Weight str:cterm str:nterm"
>   ]
> When I start this programm on command-line with no specification for the 
> -rformat-option (../../emboss/digest myseq -outfile=myreport) - it 
> should now take the rformat from acd-file - then the rformat is still 
> seqtable. When starting  with  ../../emboss/digest myseq -rformat=gff  
> -outfile=myreport, then it produces the right output - gff.
> Why is the setting in acd-file not recognized? Do I have to do any 
> recompilation after changing the acd-file?

EMBOSS will use an installed ACD file if it can find it. If you cd to the 
emboss/acd directory and "make install" it will install the modified 
digest.acd file.

To find out which ACD file was used, you can run "digest -debug" and look in 
the digest.dbg file for the full path to digest.acd

Hope that helps,


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