sequence.feature attribute

James Bonfield jkb at
Wed Feb 14 12:20:46 UTC 2001

The feature attribute of type sequence (et al) doesn't appear to be
documented. One thing I have noticed is that it prevents reading of simple
format files. Eg:

jkb at jura[work/emboss]& cat seq1
jkb at jura[work/emboss]& diffseq seq1
Find differences (SNPs) between nearly identical sequences

   EMBOSS An error in ajfile.c at line 980:
Error reading from file '.'

jkb at jura[work/emboss]& cat seq2
jkb at jura[work/emboss]& diffseq seq2
Find differences (SNPs) between nearly identical sequences
Second sequence: 

I don't know why fasta format would work and plain text does not, as neither
support features.

James Bonfield (jkb at   Tel: 01223 402499   Fax: 01223 213556
Medical Research Council - Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH, England.
Also see Staden Package WWW site at http://www/pubseq/

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