[Bioperl-l] Location having both "before" and "after" (<x..>y)

jlklassen at wisc.edu jlklassen at wisc.edu
Tue Jul 16 14:36:09 UTC 2013

Hello all,

I am attempting to output a CDS annotation where the CDS spans both the 
beginning and ending of my contig, according to the NCBI standard: 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/examples.wgs#partialcds.  According to 
http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/HOWTO:Feature-Annotation, my understanding is 
that BioPerl supports both "BEFORE" and "AFTER" annotations, and indeed I 
can output an appropriate gbk with either the "BEFORE" or "AFTER" 
individually.  However, when I have them both together I get something like 

LOCUS       Contig_381.1             220 bp    dna     linear   UNK 
ACCESSION   unknown
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             <3
        1 gggcgtacgg ggcgcgtgcc aagggtgggg tggtggcgtg ggagccgttg ccggtgcagt
       61 acgcggatta cgcgttgtgg cagcaggagc tgctcggggg tgggggtgat gcgggcggtg
      121 tggtctcgca agggttggcg tattgggagg gggtgctgga ggggttgccg caggagctgg
      181 agttgccggt ggaccggccg cgtccggtgc gtccgtccta

You can see that the the CDS location annotation has the appropriate 5' 
annotation, but not the 3' (should be >218).  Note that the translation is 
parsed from the Prodigal output and not generated directly in BioPerl.  I'm 
a somewhat new to BioPerl, so am hoping that I'm missing something 
relatively simple, but a search of the mailing list did not reveal an 
obvious answer.  I'm using BioPerl v1.6.901 on Ubuntu LINUX 12.04 (Biolinux 
7).  My code is to create a multiple gbk file from a set of bacterial gene 
models, as predicted using Prodigal using multiple contigs as a template.

Many thanks in advance for the help

Jonathan Klassen
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Wisconsin-Madison

abbreviated code:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::Seq;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::SeqUtils;
use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic;

my $ffn_obj = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $ffn_infile, -format => 'fasta', 
-alphabet => 'dna');

while (my $each_gene = $ffn_obj->next_seq){

    # parse prodigal ffn fasta headers

    my $gene_id = $each_gene->display_id;
    $gene_id =~ /^(.*)_\d+$/ or die "Cannot match gene_id: $gene_id";
    my $contig_id = $1;
    my $gene_desc = $each_gene->desc;
    $gene_desc =~ /\# (\d+) \# (\d+) # (-1|1) # .*;partial=(0|1)(0|1);/ or 
die "Cannot match gene_desc: $gene_desc";
    my $start         = $1;
    my $end           = $2;
    my $orientation   = $3;
    my $five_partial  = $4;
    my $three_partial = $5;

    # accommodates partial genes

# comment out these next 6 lines to reproduce the error

    if ($five_partial == 1){
        $start = "<".$start;
    if ($three_partial == 1){
        $end = ">".$end;

    # creates annotation feature for this gene

    my $feature = new Bio::SeqFeature::Generic(
        -start       => $start,
        -end         => $end,
        -strand      => $orientation,
        -primary_tag => 'CDS',

    # hash of arrays, keyed by contig_id

    push @{$genes{$contig_id}{gene_obj}}, $each_gene;
    push @{$genes{$contig_id}{feature_obj}}, $feature;
    push @{$genes{$contig_id}{gene_id}}, $gene_id;
    push @{$genes{$contig_id}{locus_id}}, $locus_id;

# read through fna, annotating and outputting genes and prots

my $genome_gbk  = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => ">$output_prefix.gbk", -format 
=> 'genbank', alphabet => 'dna'    );
my $fna_obj = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $fna_infile, -format => 'fasta', 
-alphabet => 'dna');
while (my $contig = $fna_obj->next_seq){
    my $contig_id = $contig->display_id;
    for my $a (0..$#{$genes{$contig_id}{gene_obj}}){

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