[Bioperl-l] bio::db::sam coverage problem
Peter Huang
peter.huang at vinelandresearch.com
Fri Dec 6 21:32:54 UTC 2013
Hi there,
I am trying to use Bio::DB::SAM to process my sam file generated from samtools. However, I encountered one problem.
Let's say I want to extract a base from a specific position that contains a SNP. I'd like to obtain count information regarding the individual bases at this position for later analysis.
If I use samtools view
/share/apps/software/samtools/samtools view LibG_sort.bam ARP6:5134-5134 -o filteredresults.sam
less filteredresults.sam | wc
32333 614327 17194532
However, when I tried to use the Bio::DB::SAM, the coverage is only 8088.
Here is what I have in my perl script:
my $sam = Bio::DB::Sam->new( -bam => $bamFile, -fasta => $reference );
my $total;
my $cb = sub {
my ($seqid, $site, $pileups) = @_;
if( $site == $position ) {
$total = scalar @$pileups;
my $refBase = $sam->segment($seqid, $site, $site)->dna;
for my $pileup (@$pileups){
my $al = $pileup->alignment;
my $qSeq = $al->qseq;
my $qStr = substr($qSeq, $pileup->qpos, 1);
$sam->pileup("ARP6:5134-5134", $cb);
print "total is $total\n";
And the output for the total is 8088
I am curious if there is anything I did wrong or I missed anything. Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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