[Bioperl-l] [Fwd: Human pathway database survey]

Stefan Kirov skirov at utk.edu
Fri May 27 09:20:52 EDT 2005

Thought people might be interested....

Forwarded message:

The Reactome, HumanCyc and Panther PATHWAYS database projects are planning to
pool their efforts to create an open, online, curated database of biological
pathways in human. In preparation for this, we are actively soliciting
comments from the biological research community in order to assess community
needs. For information, Reactome is a joint project between the groups of
Lincoln Stein (CSHL), Ewan Birney (EBI) and Suzi Lewis (UC Berekely).

Could you take a moment to visit the following page to take a short online
survey of your current pathway database usage and future needs?


Please feel free to forward this onto other interested researchers.



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