[Bioperl-l] Bio::SeqIO::staden::read make test error

Roy Chaudhuri roy at colibase.bham.ac.uk
Wed May 11 13:23:02 EDT 2005

> Just to 
> confirm, you copied os.h and config.h into the installation directory 
> *after* you ran configure with io-lib, yes?
That's right, yes.

> Here's the source of all subsequent errors: read.xs could not be 
> compiled.  Now you get to read line 32 (which may not actually be the 
> literal line 32, because of various #line preprocessor directives) and 
> see what pointer type is being referenced.  Usually this is indicative 
> of something being wrong with the .h files that declare the types.  Did 
> io-lib itself build and install cleanly on your platform?
Yeah, no problems with the io_lib install that I could see. Is there an
easy non-Bioperl way of testing that it works?

You'll have to excuse my ignorance (I know very little about inline C
and makefiles) but I couldn't find a file called read.xs- is it deleted
during the make process?

I know Phillip has suggested a workaround, but it would still be nice to
sort out what the problem is.
Dr. Roy Chaudhuri
Bioinformatics Research Fellow
Division of Immunity and Infection
University of Birmingham, UK


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