[Bioperl-l] bioperl 1.5.0 on OS X

Koen van der Drift kvddrift at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 31 08:53:33 EST 2005


Finally had some time to test bioperl 1.5.0 on Mac OS X (10.3.8). Note 
that I use fink to create the package.

I get a few failing tests:

t/DB.........................FAILED tests 29-31
         Failed 3/78 tests, 96.15% okay

t/EMBL_DB....................ok 11/15Use of uninitialized value in hash 
element at t/EMBL_DB.t line 99, <GEN3> line 1.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at t/EMBL_DB.t line 99, 
<GEN3> line 1.
t/EMBL_DB....................FAILED tests 13-15
         Failed 3/15 tests, 80.00% okay

t/Perl.......................ok 10/14
-------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: id (BUM) does not exist
t/Perl.......................ok 12/14
-------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: acc (NM_006732) does not exist
t/Perl.......................FAILED tests 11, 13
         Failed 2/14 tests, 85.71% okay

Also, one test couldn't reach a server:

t/FeatureIO..................ok 1/22
-------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: [1/5] tried to fetch 
http://umn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/song/sofa.definition, but 
server threw 500.  retrying...

If I disable the tests, the package installs fine.

BTW, what is meant by a developer release? Is this not an official 
release, meaning that it contains some experimental code?


- Koen.

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