[Bioperl-l] urgent help with AcePerl

Paulo Almeida palmeida at igc.gulbenkian.pt
Fri Feb 4 20:07:50 EST 2005

I don't know anything about Perl on Windows, but maybe that ppm only
installs the Ace module, and not Ace::RPC? I wouldn't know where to look
though. Can you see if there are Ace sub-modules in the place where you
got Ace?


> Hi
> I'm working in windows environment. I use ppm to install AcePerl. however
> when I run the following perl program I get an error says:
> Module Ace::RPC not loaded: Can't locate Ace/RPC.pm in @INC <@INC
> contains:
> C:/Perl/lib  c:/Perl/site/lib .) at (eval 2) line 3.
> I appreciate your help in advance
> best regards
> the program
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> # This example will pull some information on various authors
> # from the C. Elegans ACEDB.
> use Ace;
> use strict vars;
> use constant HOST => $ENV{ACEDB_HOST} || 'beta.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr';
> use constant PORT => $ENV{ACEDB_PORT} || 20000100;
> $|=1;
> print "Opening the database....";
> my $db = Ace->connect(-host=>HOST,-port=>PORT)
>          || die "Connection failure: ",Ace->error;
> print "done.\n\n";
> my @authors = $db->fetch('Author','S*');
> print "There are ",scalar(@authors)," Author objects starting with the
> letter \"S\".\n",
>       "The first one's name is ",$authors[0],"\n",
>       "His mailing address is ",join(',',$authors[0]->Mail),"\n\n";
> my @papers = $authors[0]->Paper;
> print "He has published ",scalar(@papers)," papers.\n\n";
> my $paper = $papers[$#papers]->fetch;
> print "The title of his most recent paper is ",$paper->Title,"\n",
>       "The coauthors were ",join(", ",$paper->Author),"\n\n",
>       "Here is all the information on the first coauthor:\n",
>       (($paper->Author)[0]->fetch->asString);

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