[Bioperl-l] TCoffee question?
Vesko Baev
vesko_baev at abv.bg
Sat Sep 6 12:34:06 EDT 2003
I have some ERROR MESAGES that I don't understand that they mean?
The sctipt using TCoffee (I've got the run::al.::Tcoffee module, but I do not know if it wants any TCoffee external program ot something like that?!
there is a script & ERR.messages:
use Bio::Seq;
use Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::TCoffee;
#Build a Bio::Seq obj1
$seqobj1 = Bio::Seq->new(-seq => "gatgggtataataggtggactta");
#Build a Bio::Seq obj2
$gene_seqobj2 = Bio::Seq->new(-seq => "gacgggtatctttaggcggacttag");
# Build a tcoffee alignment factory
@params = ('ktuple' => 2,
'matrix' => 'BLOSUM',
'output' => 'clustalw',
'outfile'=> 'coffee.out');
$factory = new Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::TCoffee (@params);
# WAY ONE with file
# $aln = $factory->align('el.fa');
# WAY TWO with 2 seq obj
my @seq_array =();
push (@seq_array, $seqobj1);
push (@seq_array, $gene_seqobj2);
$seq_array_ref = \@seq_array;
$aln = $factory->align($seq_array_ref);
my $s1_perid = $aln->average_percentage_identity;
print $s1_perid;
in the way with fasta file I've got:
------------- EXCEPTION -------------
MSG: TCoffee call crashed: 0 [command -in=el.fa,XBLOSUM,Mlalign_id_pair,Mclusta
lw_pair -ktuple=2 -outfile=coffee.out -output=clustalw]
STACK Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::TCoffee::_run D:/Perl/site/lib/Bio/Tools/Run/A
STACK Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::TCoffee::align D:/Perl/site/lib/Bio/Tools/Run/
STACK toplevel coffee.pl:21
in the WAY 2 (with the 2 seqobj) the ERROR MESSAGE i telling me that in my array there is less then 2 seq obj (but I pushed 2 obj!)
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