[Bioperl-l] Bio::Graphics::Panel, -spacing => 0 constructor problem.

Philip MacMenamin pm66 at nyu.edu
Tue Sep 2 18:44:27 EDT 2003

Thanks Lincoln, 

I was under the impression that the "spacing" argument was referring to 
spacing on the y axis, and that it defaults to 5 between the stack of tracks. 
And that if it was set to zero, then the track would lie on the same plain as 
the previous in the stack. 

Where in fact it adds additional space between tracks, over and above the 
normal amount of space.

I would like there to be no vertical (y) space between certain tracks, ie the 
curatedGenes track and the UTR track, similar to the way that wormbase have 
it. They should not overly eachother, due to them existing in differant x 
space. What area of Bio::Graphics should I look at to do this?


On Monday 01 September 2003 06:18 pm, Lincoln Stein wrote:
> Spacing adds additional padding between tracks.  You cannot get them to
> overly each other.  Possibly -start and -end are not doing what you think
> they should do.
> Lincoln

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