[Bioperl-l] passing $result

Joshua A Udall jaudall at iastate.edu
Wed Nov 12 09:50:57 EST 2003

Bioperl -

I'm having trouble passing an object and I seem only able to pass part of 
it, the first 'layer'.  I'm trying to pass $result (from blast parsing) 
into a function and access the hits but they seem to have 
disappeared.  What is the correct syntax to pass $result as a whole object?

while(my $result = $searchio->next_result() ) {
     while (my $hit=$result->next_hit){

sub print_graph {
   my $result_sub = $_[0];
   while( my $hit = $result_sub->next_hit ) {

... and do groovy stuff here with the hits


Joshua Udall
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
Ph: (515) 294-7098
Fax: (515) 294-1337 

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