[Bioperl-l] Understanding LocatableSeq

Wes Barris wes.barris at csiro.au
Thu Nov 6 23:31:41 EST 2003

Jason Stajich wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Wes Barris wrote:
>>Ewan Birney wrote:
>>>On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Wes Barris wrote:
>>>>I am trying to create an msf alignment of several LocatableSeq objects.
>>>>I have tried setting the "start" and "end" attributes of each LocatableSeq
>>>>object before adding it to the alignment but the resulting sequences are
>>>>still not aligned in the SimpleAlign object.  What am I doing wrong?
>>>SimpleAlign does not automagically do the alignment - you need to call out
>>>to Bio::Tools::Clustalw or TCoffee or something else. SimpleAlign
>>>*represents* alignments, doesn't make them.
>>I know that SimpleAlign does not automagically do the alignment.  That
>>is why I am setting the "start" and "end" attributes.  I have an ACE
>>file from clustal.  I am trying to write an msf file.  I have the
>>sequences and the alignment information.  Now I want to write this
>>into a SimpleAlign object.
> You still need to prefix/postfix with the requisite number of gaps.
> The start/end describe where the sequence participating the alignment
> COMES FROM not where they are in the alignment, so you have to
> explicitly code their alignment by placing the right number of gaps.

Ok.  I understand that I have to add the gap characters on either end
of each aligned sequence.  Sorry for being so dense but I still don't
understand the use of the "start" and "end" attributes.  They don't
appear to do anything.  If I have two sequences:


what would be the start and end for each sequence or doesn't it matter?
When you say that they represent where the sequence COMES FROM, what does
that mean?

>>>(it would be cute if simple align did this magically but probably would
>>>lead to some fascinating bug-hunts as simple align booted up a full
>>>progressive alignment engine when a sequence was added. Hmmm. Wistful
>>>>#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
>>>>use strict;
>>>>use Bio::AlignIO;
>>>>my $aln = new Bio::SimpleAlign();
>>>>my $lseq;
>>>>$lseq = new Bio::LocatableSeq();
>>>>$lseq = new Bio::LocatableSeq();
>>>>my $outstream = new Bio::AlignIO(-format=>'msf', -file=>">junk.msf");
>>>>undef $outstream;
>>>>The output looks like this:
>>>>NoName   MSF: 2  Type: N  Tue Nov  4 09:01:58 2003  Check: 00 ..
>>>> Name: this/1-8  Len:    8  Check:  2590  Weight:  1.00
>>>> Name: that/2-7  Len:    6  Check:  1547  Weight:  1.00
>>>>this/1-8              GATCGATC
>>>>that/2-7              ATCGAT	<--- Should't this be shifted one position to the right?
>>>>I am using bioperl-1.2.3.
>>>>Wes Barris
>>>>E-Mail: Wes.Barris at csiro.au
>>>>Bioperl-l mailing list
>>>>Bioperl-l at portal.open-bio.org
> --
> Jason Stajich
> Duke University
> jason at cgt.mc.duke.edu

Wes Barris
E-Mail: Wes.Barris at csiro.au

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