[Bioperl-l] SeqFeatureI->spliced_translation

Matthew Betts Matthew.Betts at ii.uib.no
Mon Nov 3 13:06:24 EST 2003


I've written a method 'spliced_translation' for Bio::SeqFeatureI that 
translates a spliced sequence and deals with any codon exceptions.

It is really just glue between the existing SeqFeatureI->spliced_seq and 
PrimarySeqI->translate, but can deal with codons that are non-standard 
across the whole sequence ('/codon' in GenBank feature tables) and codons 
that are non-standard at specific locations ('/transl_except').

I mainly use it to check the conceptual translation against that given in 
the feature tables. I could do a bit (a lot...) of polishing 
(suggestions welcome) if it's useful to anyone else?


Matthew Betts, mailto:matthew.betts at ii.uib.no
Phone: (+47) 55 58 40 22, Fax: (+47) 55 58 42 95
CBU, BCCS, UNIFOB / Universitetet i Bergen
Thormøhlensgt. 55, N-5008 Bergen, Norway


sub spliced_translation {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $db          = shift;
    my $not_concept = shift;

    # if $not_concept is defined, will return the sequence
    # given by the /translation qualifier rather than the
    # conceptual translation. All the checks are still done.

    my $complete5;
    my $complete3;
    my $frame;
    my $table;
    my $loc_factory;
    my @exceptions;
    my $except;
    my $cds;
    my $trans;
    my @locs;
    my $loc;
    my $fstrand;
    my $mixed;
    my $ft_trans;
    my $trans_aa;
    my $cdna_start;
    my $na_e_start;
    my $aa_e_pos;

    # FIXME - improve the warnings. Also allow 'throw' if requested

    if($self->primary_tag ne 'CDS') {
	$self->warn("Calling spliced_seq on a feature which is not a CDS");

    # is the whole sequence of the CDS known?
    if(defined($self->location->strand) and ($self->location->strand == -1)) {
	$complete5 = ($self->location->to_FTstring =~ />/) ? 0 : 1;
	$complete3 = ($self->location->to_FTstring =~ /</) ? 0 : 1;
    else {
	$complete5 = ($self->location->to_FTstring =~ /</) ? 0 : 1;
	$complete3 = ($self->location->to_FTstring =~ />/) ? 0 : 1;

    # find the reading frame before translating...
    $frame = 0;
    if($self->has_tag('codon_start')) {
	$frame = join '', $self->get_tag_values('codon_start');

	# '/codon_start' tags are 1, 2, or 3, but bioperl
	# uses 0, 1, or 2 to indicate reading frame, so...

    # ...and the codon table too
    $table = 1;
    if($self->has_tag('transl_table')) {
	$table = join '', $self->get_tag_values('transl_table');

    $cds = $self->spliced_seq($db);
    $trans = $cds->translate(undef, undef, $frame, $table, undef, undef, $complete5, $complete3);

    # the following exceptions should ideally be dealt with
    # by translate, except that the single codon exceptions
    # need to know about locations on the genomic sequence
    $trans_aa = $trans->seq;

    # deal with codons that differ from the reference genetic
    # code ('/codon' qualifiers in  gb feature table)
    @exceptions = ();
    if($self->has_tag('codon')) {
	foreach $except ($self->get_tag_values('codon')) {
	    $except =~ s/\s+//g; # spaces are meaningless here
	    $except =~ s/["']//g; # don't need quotes either
	    if($except =~ /seq:(...),aa:(.*)\)/) {
		my $codon = $1;
		my $aa_temp = substr($2, 0, 3);

		$aa_temp =~ s/(.)(..)/\u$1\L$2/; # seq3in() expects first letter as capital, rest lower-case

		my $aa = Bio::Seq->new('-alphabet' => 'protein');

		Bio::SeqUtils->seq3in($aa, $aa_temp);

		push @exceptions, {
				   'codon' => $codon,
				   'aa'    => $aa->seq,
    my @codons = grep(!/\A\Z/, split(/(...)/, substr($cds->seq, $frame)));
    $aa_e_pos = 0;
    foreach my $codon (@codons) {
	foreach $except (@exceptions) {
	    ($except->{'codon'} =~ /$codon/i) and (substr($trans_aa, $aa_e_pos, 1) = $except->{'aa'})

    # deal with single non standard codons
    # ('/transl_except' qualifiers in gb feature table)
    $loc_factory = Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory->new();
    @exceptions = ();
    if($self->has_tag('transl_except')) {
	foreach $except ($self->get_tag_values('transl_except')) {
	    $except =~ s/\s+//g; # spaces are meaningless here
	    if($except =~ /\(pos:(.*?),aa:(.*)\)/) {
		my $loc_str = $1;
		my $aa_temp = substr($2, 0, 3);
		$aa_temp =~ s/(.)(..)/\u$1\L$2/; # seq3in() expects first letter as capital, rest lower-case

		my $aa = Bio::Seq->new('-alphabet' => 'protein');

		Bio::SeqUtils->seq3in($aa, $aa_temp);

		push @exceptions, {
				   'loc' => $loc_factory->from_string($loc_str),
				   'aa'  => $aa->seq,
	    else {
		$self->warn("Cannot parse translation exception '$except'");

    # order the locations in the same way that spliced_seq does
    @locs = $self->location->each_Location;
    foreach $loc (@locs) {
	defined($fstrand) or ($fstrand = $loc->strand);
	if(defined($loc->strand) and ($fstrand != $loc->strand)) {
	    $mixed = 1;

    if($mixed) {
	$self->warn("Mixed strand locations, spliced seq using the input order rather than trying to sort");
    elsif($fstrand == -1) {
	@locs = reverse $self->location->each_Location;

    # pair up any translation exceptions with
    # their corresponding sub locations, and
    # calculate the position in the amino acid
    # sequence that is exceptional
    $cdna_start = 1 - $frame; # start position of the current segment in the na seq of the cds
    $na_e_start = 0; # position of the exception on the na seq of the cds
    $aa_e_pos   = 0; # position of the exception on the aa seq of the cds

    # there might be a clever way to avoid the following if-else...
    if(!$mixed and ($fstrand == -1)) {
	foreach $loc (@locs) {
	    foreach $except (@exceptions) {
		if($loc->overlaps($except->{'loc'})) {
		    $na_e_start = $loc->end - $except->{'loc'}->end + $cdna_start;

		    $aa_e_pos = ($na_e_start + 2) / 3;

		    # Ignore this position if it is off the end of
		    # the sequence. This can happen when the
		    # exception is for a non-standard stop codon.
		    ($aa_e_pos > $trans->length) and next;

		    # Otherwise, replace the aa in the translation
		    $aa_e_pos--; # positions above start at one
		    substr($trans_aa, $aa_e_pos, 1) = $except->{'aa'};
	    $cdna_start += ($loc->end - $loc->start + 1);
    else {
	foreach $loc (@locs) {
	    foreach $except (@exceptions) {
		if($loc->overlaps($except->{'loc'})) {
		    $na_e_start = $except->{'loc'}->start - $loc->start + $cdna_start;

		    $aa_e_pos = ($na_e_start + 2) / 3;

		    # Ignore this position if it is off the end of
		    # the sequence. This can happen when the
		    # exception is for a non-standard stop codon.
		    ($aa_e_pos > $trans->length) and next;

		    # Otherwise, replace the aa in the translation
		    $aa_e_pos--; # positions above start at one
		    substr($trans_aa, $aa_e_pos, 1) = $except->{'aa'};
	    $cdna_start += ($loc->end - $loc->start + 1);

    # check that the translation matches that given
    # by the feature table. This is better than just
    # using the feature table translation, since it
    # is also an indirect check that the DNA has been
    # spliced together correctly
    $ft_trans = undef;
    if($self->has_tag('translation')) {
	$ft_trans = join '', $self->get_tag_values('translation');
    if(defined($ft_trans)) {
	if($trans->seq !~ /^$ft_trans/) {
	    my $display_id = $self->seq->display_id;
	    $self->warn("Translated sequence '$display_id' does not match '/translation' tag");
    else {
	$self->warn("Warning: no translation tag so can't check");

    $not_concept and $ft_trans and $trans->seq($ft_trans);

    return $trans, $complete5, $complete3, $frame, $table;

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