[Bioperl-l] Proposed submission: tools for designing RNAi oligos

Donald G. Jackson donald.jackson at bms.com
Wed Mar 5 09:01:03 EST 2003


I've written some modules for designing and handling RNAi oligos which I 
would like to submit to BioPerl.   Currently, my code uses BioPerl (for 
example, the oligos are subclasses of SeqFeature::Generic) but isn't 
fully aligned to the BioPerl 'model'.

So two questions:

1. Is the functionality suitable for inclusion into BioPerl?

2. Would someone be willing to advise me on what changes I need to make 
to my code for it to be suitable for inclusion?

I saw Ewan's note a few days back, but would appreciate more detailed 


Don Jackson
BMS Bioinformatics

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