[Bioperl-l] remote blast

Sunil Saluja saluja at medical-data-solutions.com
Tue Aug 26 14:24:24 EDT 2003

Has there been a recent change in the way in which ncbi responds to
remote blast requests using the biperl module
Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast ?

I had no problem using this module a couple of weeks ago, and I was able
to run several queries with success.  I am now not able to retreive
anything.  When I use known queries I still get nothing.  If I go to the
website and manually enter a query, everything works.

I know that the pubmed servers no longer work with older versions of
endnote (6.x), and that this is a very recent change.  Have they done
something recently which is making this remote blast module not work?


Sunil Saluja

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