[Bioperl-l] questions

Wijk, Rik van Rik.vanWijk@wur.nl
Tue, 03 Sep 2002 22:38:09 +0200

Dear all,

I'm new and try to get into bioperl. First as a user since I am not a programmer but who knows. It is not all clear to me immediately. I have a few questions. They could be stupid but...

- I installed BioPerl, but whenever I run a test program it says:
Can't locate Bio/SeqIO.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Perl/lib C:/Perl/site/lib .) at C:\...\...\testsript.pl line 26. 

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\...\...\testscript.pl line 26.
What is wrong? SeqIO.pm is in both directories mentioned above. How can I install it properly 

- Were can I find general information of how to install perl and his modules properly? Is there a manual or something like that?

- Were can I find a description of the functionalities of all different modules? I have the feeling that there are numerous modules with much more functionalities that are usefull but how do I know what there is exactly and what you can do with it?

Hopefully somebody will help. Thanks a lot in advantage. 

Please don't make it to difficult, I am trying to run install and run some modules. I am just started and do not know much about it yet. 




Rik van Wijk

Wageningen University and Research Centre

Email rik.vanwijk@wur.nl
