[Bioperl-l] SwissProt SQ Line
Jonathan B Joseph
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 16:30:40 -0500
I have been able to obtain all the swissprot information I need with the
exception of the information on the SQ Line via bioperl api calls. Is there
a way to obtain the information on the SQ line via bioperl API calls on a
bioperl object (such as the Bio::Annotation::Collection object)? I am
particularly interested in the molecular weight and crc64. Currently, I am
using bioperl calls to compute the molecular weight and crc64, but would like
to have the option of just extracting this information from the SQ line.
I am looping throught Bio::Seq objects via the following code:
my $stream = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => 'swiss', -file => $filepath);
while ( my $seq = $stream->next_seq() ) {
# bioper api calls
Within each loop I make API calls to obtain information from the sequence
record. I believe that the version of bioperl that I'm using is at least
version1.0, but don't know how to find out. ($VERSION in Seq.pm is set to
Thanks for your help,