[Bioperl-l] motif features?
18 Oct 2002 01:30:09 +0800
Hi all,
I'm toying around with some motif finders mainly FootPrinter right now.
I was wondering whether there have been any work to represent
motifs in bioperl. Dugged around but I'm not sure that attaching
SeqFeatures to sequence would do the trick.
Mainly what I would like to represent is that given n sequences, we
would have m different motifs (possibly overlapping) found across them.
What I'm thinking of is to have some kinda
Bio::Seq::Motif or Bio::SeqFeature::Motif or Bio::Motif
that has a bunch of SeqFeatures attached to it representing
where this motif lies on the list of sequences.
A use case:
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::Tools::Run::FootPrinter;
my $sio = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>"seq.fa",-format=>"fasta");
my @seq;
while(my $seq = $sio->next_seq){
push @seq, $seq;
my $fp = Bio::Tools::Run::FootPrinter->new();
my @motif = $fp->run(@seq);
foreach my $m (@motif){
print $m->consensus."\n";
foreach my $seqfeat($m->seqfeatures){
print $seqfeat->seq_id."\t".$seqfeat->start."\t".$seqfeat->end."\n";
Other methods like
$motif->information_content (bits)
$motif->pssm (weight matrix)
$motif->evalue etc...
Throwing this out for discussion and half hoping someone's already done
something like that but I'm not finding it or that its a worthwhile