[Bioperl-l] Bio::Graphics & Binding Sites visualization

Lincoln Stein lstein@cshl.org
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 09:02:12 -0400

Hi Tommy,

What you want to do is to specify a callback for the color attribute 
when you create the binding site track.  

	my $f1 = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic(-start=>10,-end=>100,
	my $f2 = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic(-start=>120,-end=>200,
			-bgcolor => sub {
				my $feature= shift;
				return 'yellow' if $feature->source_tag eq 'MCM1';
				return 'blue'    if $feature->source_tag eq 'SP1'}

You can do the same thing with Bio::Graphics::Feature, but the Generic class
is preferred.  Any of the options passed to add_track() can be subroutines.  They
will be called with the feature as the argument and are expected to return an
option string.  In this case, the -bgcolor callback is examininign the feature's
source_tag() method to return the appropriate color, but you can do other
things, like examining the score to set the height of the glyph, etc.


On Friday 11 October 2002 04:55 am, Tommy Kaplan wrote:
> Dear Lincoln,
> I'm attaching two files: makeFig.pl and a gif image created by it.
> I would like to have all binding sites on the same track, but with
> different colors.
> I had another two ideas:
> - Creating a Binding glyph, with some significance feature
> (score, pvalue, etc.)
> This feature can control the darkness of the arrow and label, being almost
> transparent for low-scoring sites, and bold for high-scoring sites.
> - Also, maybe adding a ``-key_style => before'' option might be nice,
> having the key on exactly the same line/track as the features, but left to
> the image itself.
> Thanks.
> Tommy