[Bioperl-l] Please test

Shailesh L Mistry shailesh.mistry@globalgraphics.com
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 14:51:02 +0100

Failed Test     Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\BioGraphics.t               14    3  21.43%  1-3
t\RootIO.t                    14    2  14.29%  13-14
t\SearchIO.t                 658    4   0.61%  19 317 342 347
t\consed.t                    15    2  13.33%  12 14
t\scf.t          255 65280    15   14  93.33%  2-15
4 subtests skipped.

1) t\BioGraphics................FAILED tests 1-3

inside biographics.t, function do_compare is checking the header 
of the incoming files. According to the PNG spec, the header 
should be \211PNG\r\n\032\n. I am using ptkdb to debug and I can 
not find a way to check that the value in $test_data matches
this. However, I can hexdump the png files in the data folder and
it has a header of \211PNG\r\r\n\032\r\n.

Can someone please confirm the header of the png files in the data
folder on unix. Does anyone know how to get ptkdb/some other debugger
to show the hex value in $test_data?

2) t\RootIO.....................FAILED tests 13-14
The value in $iotest->mode is 'r' but we test for 'w'.
This is just failing now so something may have changed recently.
I will dig deeper later.

3) t\SearchIO...................FAILED tests 19, 317, 342, 347
These fail because we 'got:1.46134e-90' but 'expected:1.46134e-090'.
This could be a WinNT vs unix problem or even something deeper.
However, the answer is still correct and we could make the test check
for both values. Any thoughts....?

4) t\consed.....................FAILED tests 12, 14
Test 12 'got:114' but 'expected:179'
Test 14 'got:179' but 'expected:114'
I need to dig into this deeper, more news later.

5) t\scf........................dubious DIED. FAILED tests 2-15
I need to dig into this deeper, more news later.