[Bioperl-l] capturing non-hitting queries
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 10:40:43 -0800
Hello all,
This may be more of a general bioinformatics how-to unless of course bioperl
actually has something for this application. I am interested in recovering
query sequences that gave the BLAST errors "No hits found" or "No
Karlin-Altschul..." or "No valid letters..." etc. Such results do not include
the query sequence in the XML BLAST report as far as I can see. Must I roll
my own to extract them from the BLAST infile, or does bioperl have a method
for doing this? If the former, does anyone have some code that they've been
using and wouldn't mind sharing (why reinvent the wheel)? If the latter, what
is it?
Many thanks,
Nathanael Kuipers